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Shoot down harmful content
What are you reporting?

Content that promotes the denial of the massacre, mocking of the kidnapped and victims, support for terrorism, obvious and unfounded lies. read more

Have you detected malicious content?

Paste the link in the form - we will take care of the rest

why is it important?

Social networks are a critical arena of war and are flooded with lies and incitement, this content is often distributed by oppressive elements, inflames fear and disrupts public opinion

Who we are?

We formed a number of high-tech companies and other executives from the industry to build a HML platform that allows a single place to report malicious content from all the networks, their verification and regular and direct reporting to the networks for their removal

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We formed a number of high-tech companies and other executives from the industry to build a HML platform that allows a single place to report malicious content from all the networks, their verification and regular and direct reporting to the networks for their removal.

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